Big Fish Audio Modern Country D2 音色取樣 英文DVD版
軟體名稱: Big Fish Audio Modern Country D2
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型: 音色取樣
更新日期: 2012.11.20
軟體發行: Big Fish Audio
官方網站: http://www.bigfishaudio.com/detail.html?512458
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
SF、HoneRiSO、KONTAKT、XYZ 是大便等,其中只有 AKAI 是相容性最強的音色格
受歡迎的音色格式是 GIGASAMPLE 格式,GIGASTUDIO 是目前最流行的PC 機軟體取
樣音源,他可以實現最佳的取樣音質,一個音色可以最大支援到 1GB 的容量,所
以 GIGA 格式制做的音色碟通常都是經典中的經典,而且實際的售價也比一般的格
Step back mama. This aint the country music you remember from your school days.
Its a rip-roaring crescendo of pulsing bass guitars and crashing drums.
Its a flurry of furious fiddle and banjo playing matched note to note with
the spine-ripping currents of electric thunder pouring from the electric guitar.
This fresh, new face of country is full of attitude and ready to takes its
rightful place in the pop charts of todays hot new music. Musicians like
Rascall Flatts, Taylor Swift, Carried Underwood, Keith Urban and Lady Antebellum
have taken traditional country instruments like the acoustic guitar, fiddle,
slide guitar, banjo, mandolin and infused them with the contemporary sounds
of the drums, bass, electric guitars, pianos, organs, synths and have created
a musical genre that has rocked the very core of country music today.
So add a little crash to your cowboy and a little trash talk to your twang,
this new breed of in your face country is making a stand in the world of pop
and rock and can give your tracks just the right amount of down and dirty you
need to go country.
音樂格式 FORMAT..: Multi