Nucleus SoundLab Viral Outbreak V1.0 VSTI音源插件 英文DVD版
軟體名稱: Nucleus SoundLab Viral Outbreak V1.0
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: 將DYNAMiCS目錄下的檔案複製到程式所安裝目錄
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型: 音色取樣
更新日期: 2010.08.10
軟體發行: Nucleus SoundLab
官方網站: http://www.nucleus-soundlab.com/viral-outbreak-vst-plugin.html
中文網站: http://twcd01.com
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Nucleus SoundLab音色公司出品的仿造著名的模擬合成器Access Virus的VSTI音源插件
,Viral Outbreak VSTI合成器擁有和Access Virus硬體合成器一樣出色的音色
Viral Outbreak is based on the sounds of Access Musics Virus TI hardware
synthesizer. Using the power of extensive 96khz multi-sampling, manual looping
and professional preset design, Nucleus SoundLab brings this powerful
electronica sound to your productions as a VSTi plugin and a Reason 4.0 Refill.
Viral Outbreak contains all manner of TI-based sounds. Classic wavetables, raw
saw and pulse waveforms (sampled at multiple pulse-widths), unison dance leads
, breathtaking pads, bizarre formant effects, massive supersaws and even punchy
synth drumkits.
No sampler required: Viral Outbreak is powered by a full copy of the WusikEngine
V4 by Wusik.com. You can even use this engine to load other Wusikstation
Nearly 3.5GB of multisamples comprising 180+ soundsets.
Sampled at 32-bit 96khz quality. Down-sampled to 24-bit 48khz.
Comes loaded with nearly 950 presets by Pro-Sounds, Teksonik, Tim Conrardy,
Jeremy Janzen, rsmus7 and more.
A TI-inspired skin by Vera Kinter.
The Refill details:
Nearly 2GB compressed in Refill format (contains the exact same samples as the
235 unique Reason Combinators included by a variety of sound designers included
Adam Fielding, Tom Pritchard, Nick Hutton, and Shaun Wallace.
Large variety of additional individual patches for Reasons modules.
Programmed for Reason 4, and as such makes good use of Thor and RPG-8.