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Milgeo Pcmap32 V3.0 Multilanguage 專業電子地圖製作 英文版 (4CD)


軟體名稱: Milgeo Pcmap32 V3.0 Multilanguage
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 4片裝
系統支援: 以官方網站為準
軟體類型: 專業電子地圖製作
更新日期: 2008.01.01
中文網站: http://xyz2009.net
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

德國 MilGeo 公司.軍用專業電子地圖製作軟體

With MilGeo-PCMAP military users can display electronic maps on a PC
and correlate them with simple graphics applications. For this
purpose,the raster data available in the military domain are provided
as a map basis. A change of scale true to coordinates and including
theme-related overlays is possible because the map books are
correlated via geographical coordinates. Several map books of various
scales can be called up at the same time. The visible map detail can
be moved over the entire map area. For overview or detail display the
map can be minimized or maximized. A graphical interface allows you to
generate your own graphical overlays (e.g. military situations) on the
current map background with simple graphical elements up to tactical
characters per the German specification ZDv 1/11 and to integrate them
into other map applications. You can print out the map display with
the overlay,or save the current map display with overlay in different
graphics format for use in other application programs. Likewise
different graphics from other programs can be integrated into the
system and used as images.


-> For each road bridge building material,length of the bridge
-> Consider driving-lane and load-carrying capacity in tons
-> Relief
-> Relief Shading
-> Layers
-> Slope
-> Three Dimensional View
-> Perspective View (with 3D OpenGL)
-> Accurate map material up to a yardstick of 1: 50.000
-> Comfortable export function into usual graphic formats
-> Area cut with consideration of Earths curvature
-> consent measurement of any distances and surfaces by mouse


The entire software package has rather many map CDs to that extent we
decided to release these as individual CD as with map & Guide.


